Pre-written email #1

IMPORATANT: To use our pre-written email template, simply click the “Copy to Clipboard” button to copy a pre-written email. Open your email program, right-click where you’d type your message, and hit “Paste.” Before sending, add your own words and name to make it personal. Thank you for taking action!

Subject: Help Protect Our Community in White Rock—Take Action Now!

Dear [Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to you today to ask for your help in supporting our community’s fight against the proposed WestStone project in White Rock.

As you may be aware, the WestStone Group has proposed a high-density building in our town, which has been approved by the City Council without proper public debate. This pre-mature approval would have a significant impact on our community’s quality of life, including increased traffic, parking problems, and decreased property values.

To fight back against this ill-conceived project, we are gathering support from concerned residents and citizens like you. We are asking for your help in adding your name to the support letter that will be sent to White Rock City Council, objecting to the WestStone project. 

Visit to add your name in support of the letter. Your name and email are only used to verify your support and provide essential updates. Your data is kept confidential. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. Together, we can show the City Council that our community matters more.

Best regards,

[Your Name]


Pre-written email #2

Subject: Your Support Matters —Take Action Now!

Dear [Friend’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I’m reaching out to you today about an urgent matter concerning the future of our community in White Rock. You may be aware of the WestStone Group’s development plans under Bylaw 2439, which was quietly approved by the City Council. The development poses several significant risks and challenges to our community and quality of life.

Why Should You Be Concerned?

  1. No Public Debate: Despite strong resident opposition, the Council made a swift, 45-second decision to approve the development without public discussion.

  2. Scale and Density of the Building: The approved 6-storey building with 139 rental units is disproportionately large for Vidal St. and dramatically changes the character of our community.

  3. Rejected Plans: Surprisingly, a less ambitious 4-storey version of this same development was rejected by the Council and the Advisory Design Panel (ADP) four times in the past three years.

  4. Multiple Risks: The development comes with unresolved issues related to traffic congestion, fire and safety, and the destruction of vital green spaces.

What Can You Do?

I’m urging you to add your name in support of a letter to Mayor Knight and the White Rock City Council. This letter calls for immediate reconsideration of the development plans and insists on a transparent and inclusive decision-making process.

How to Take Action

Visit to add your name in support of the letter. Your name and email are only used to verify your support and provide essential updates. Your data is kept confidential. 

Please share this with your family, friends, and neighbors as well. The more voices we can bring together, the more powerful our message will be.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and for taking action to protect our community. Every voice counts, including yours.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

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